Hello there! Horas!

My name is Raja David, and I’m a Software Engineer from Indonesia.

Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia pada tautan ini.

You are currently looking at my technical journal, that’s awesome.

In here I wrote tutorials, solutions, and all about technical aspects of software engineering.

The whole purpose of this blog is to share what I learn during my time in Software industry with you. The focus of my writing is you.

Each article or note that allows me to solve a system issue will be featured so that you can do the same in your system and save time for googling a solution. I think it’s a win-win. I can solve a technical problem smarter each time and you can start solving your problem smarter along the way too.

By the way, below are my latest posts for you:

Apart from that, you will find me researching my latest obsession on graphic design in my other blog.

Need to get in touch? Please fill out form below and I will contact you as soon as possible.

If you prefer a chat, you can reach me on Linkedin or Github.